giant inflatable duck

giant inflatable duck

Product ID: CQYD008

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Brand Name: ChongQi

Size: Customized

Weight: 0.00 Kg

Volume: 0

Min. Order: 1

Material: Customized

Accessory: Customized

Payment Term: T/T, Western Union, Paypal

Shipping Way: By sea / by air, and etc.




Chongqi Customized inflatable duck


Chongqi Customized inflatable duck

Thousands of people crowd the waterfront on the last day to see a giant duck (R), conceived by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, in Hong Kong on June 9, 2013. Thousands said farewell to the giant inflatable yellow duck rubber duck which has captivated Hong Kong for the past month, before it heads to the United States.

This picture taken on June 1, 2013 shows a yellow rubber yellow duck floating on a lake in a community in eastern China’s Tianjin. The popularity of a giant inflatable duck afloat in Hong Kong harbor has not gone unnoticed in mainland China, where two copies have been launched, according to reports on June 1. 

This picture taken on June 1, 2013 shows a woman posing for photos before a Inflatable yellow rubber duck floating on a lake in a community in eastern China’s Tianjin. 

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